Who are you writing for?

Who are you writing for? Yourself or others?

It is important to know the difference because the process and rewards vary significantly.

Rohan’s blog A Learning a Day has a wonderful post on the topic which helped me clarify my thinking when I started this blog.

The act of writing and publishing regularly can have a transformative effect on your life by pushing you to bring the discipline of writing and sharing every day. You become accountable to yourself, think more clearly, reflect more often and synthesize what you learn.

When you write for yourself, the process takes a lot less time. Since you are writing primarily to clarify our thinking. You don’t need to worry about polishing or distributing your content. You just start a blog in a small corner of the web and get on with writing. As part of the thinking process, you focus entirely on optimizing your learning versus trying to figure out what your audience would be interested in.

So, you focus on iterative learning by writing, to think and to improve how you think over time. As a result, you get to treat everything you write as a hypothesis and don’t worry about the consequences of being wrong.

In comparison when you are writing for others you are basically solving some problem, educating or entertaining your readers.

When you write on your favorite social network you have to be careful what we are writing, how your audience will take it, what reaction you will get and how will you handle any unintentional harm caused by your writing. Then you need to carve out time to respond to readers’ queries, objections, and alternate views.

Like all decisions, this choice has accompanying consequences. The consequence of writing for yourself is that the rewards are almost entirely intrinsic. You might earn yourself a few subscribers over time – but, your subscriber count, follower count, website visit count, monetization (if any), fame, etc., will likely never be anywhere as good as someone who focuses on writing for others.

If you started out writing for others, expect less intrinsic benefit.

Like many things in life, I find that this misalignment between expectations of process and outcome drives most folks to quit after writing publicly after a couple of months. While they might have set out to write for themselves, there often are unsaid expectations about building a massive subscriber base – or vice versa. The end result is a disappointment.

So, if writing publicly is on your goal, you need to take time to clarify the purpose and your expectations on process and outcomes.

I am primarily writing for myself. My long term goal is to get better at writing and get over the fear of publishing something with my name on it. Life is too short to listen to my inner critic. I want to build the courage to get my writing out there regularly whether they are unpolished or need proofreading. If I could keep the discipline, I am sure I will get better.

While I can’t say much about writing for others, I can say with reasonable confidence that the long term benefits of writing for yourself are extraordinary.

Now I guess the question for you is; who are you writing for?

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Don’t be scared of being a novice

Don’t be scared of being a novice. Be scared of being Mr. Know All.

When you reach the comfortable spot of knowing a lot about a field there is a danger to become set in your views.

You lose the ability to see things with the eyes of a novice who is amazed and curious about everything. Mr. Know All, on the other hand, is judging and qualifying the information, selecting and choosing before taking it.

His cup is already full.

Once a martial arts enthusiast approached Bruce Lee for training. He was telling Lee what he already knew about martial arts. They were sitting in a restaurant having coffee. Lee listened to him carefully. Halfway through, Lee stopped him and pointed at his cup of coffee, and said, “Your knowledge of martial arts is like this cup of coffee, while mine is like this glass of water. Now watch this.” He poured some water into the cup. The water took the color of coffee.

“If you are able to empty your cup then come and see me,” said Lee and left.

Why hinder learning by establishing yourself as an expert while you can learn much more by being a student all your life.

Don’t be afraid of being a novice again and again. When you are at the pinnacle of your field, choose something else and make it your passion or profession. I have done that so many times. Each time I changed my career or picked a new hobby my horizons expanded and my learning enhanced.

Being at the bottom of the ladder is scary and exhilarating at the same time. It is just like leaving the school only to find that the world is a bigger school and you are back in the first grade ( I think George Bernard Shaw said this).

As a novice, you have advantages over Mr. Know All. You have little to lose. You are willing to try anything. You can take chances, experiment, and follow your whims.

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,” said Zen monk Shunyi Suzuki, “in the expert’s mind there are few.”

Have you found yourself in the first grade after being a so-called ‘expert’ in a field? Have you intentionally put yourself in that situation where you start at the beginning.

I would love to hear your story. Drop me a line in the comments section below.

Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

We are all going to die one day

The biggest irony of human understanding is that we know that we are going to die one day but don’t accept it.

The truth doesn’t sink in.

We live as if death is something that happens to others while we will continue to live for a foreseeable future.

We never talk about death. Especially our own. It is a taboo subject. Not only we don’t talk about it, but we also don’t even think about it. Like a scared kitten, we close our eyes to the only certainty of our lives.

Yet we are all going to die one day.

It is not a matter of doom and gloom but a realization that our time here is limited.

If we continue to waste it, we will never be able to do what we want so much to do.

Do whatever you wanted to do, now. If you sit around and wait for the right time, it might never come.

Feel the urgency. Now or never.

If you don’t know what you want to do, find out.

You are sent here as a human being with far more intelligence than any other species. Don’t just be content with earning a living and raising children. Even animals do that. Make your life count.

Figure out what you can do to make his world a better place than how you found it whether by planting trees, cleaning streets, writing books, feeding the hungry, protecting endangered animals or any cause worthy of your attention.

If you need a constant reminder of the inevitability of death, read obituaries.

Obituaries aren’t about death; they are about the life of the person. “The sum of every obituary is how heroic people are, and how noble,” writes artist Maria Kalyan.

Reading about people who are dead and did things with their lives makes you want to get up and do something with yours.

Steve Jobs said,

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fears of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked.”

Has Steve Jobs’s statement made you stop and think? Have you found a way to leave the world a bit better than how you found it? Want to share here to inspire others?

Drop me a line in the comments section below.

Photo by Wei Ding on Unsplash

Show Your Work

In ‘good old days’ it was up to the employer to find employees. He would put an ad in the papers for the kind of person and skills he needed for the job.

It is not the case in the new age.

Now it is up to the employees to make himself findable whether it is through LinkedIn or a blog or network of connections.

It is more true if you are an artist or a creative person. You need to build a name for yourself so that you could be “found” for an assignment or a gig.

A writer needs to have a portfolio of her work already out there if she wants to publish her new book. A singer needs to have recorded (armature or semi-professional) and shared his songs on YouTube. A painter, a photographer, an illustrator, all need to exhibit their work online in order to get assignments.  

All creative people need to build ‘sharing.’ into their routine while they are focusing on getting good at whatever they do.

Rather than working in silence and hoarding their work, the new age creatives need to open up about their learning processes and consistently share what they’re working on.

By generously sharing their ideas and their knowledge, they will often gain an audience.

Imagine if your boss didn’t have to read your resume because she is already reading your blog.

Imagine being a student and getting our first gig based on a school project you posted online.

Imagine losing your job but having a social network of people familiar with your work ready to help you find a new one.

Imagine turning a side project or a hobby into your profession because you had a following that could support you.

Or imagine something simpler and just as satisfying: spending the majority of your time, energy and attention practicing a craft, learning a trade, or running a business, while also allowing for the possibility that your work might attract a group of people who share your interests.

All you have to do is show your work.

P.S. This post is inspired by Austin Kleon’s book “Show Your Work.”

Patagonia – Torres Del Paine

When the Mughal Emperor Jahangir visited Kashmir, he famously said, “If there is a heaven on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.” I can say the same for Torres Del Paine National Park. Words cannot describe the majesty and beauty of Patagonia. It’s vivid colors and tranquility are hard to forget.

The tour bus picked us up at seven-thirty from Hotel Costaustralis. The drive to Torres Del Paine was pretty much straight. The sky was slightly overcast, and our guide was hopeful that it would clear up by the time we reach the first scenic location.

Torres Del Paine is one of the largest and most visited National Park in Chile. Most of the adventure-seeking tourists come here to trek. They do the famous W circuit (named on the shape of the trek), prefer to camp or stay in one of the resorts within the park.

As we drove for about ten minutes, the tour guide pointed to a rare occurrence. A couple of cowboys on horseback armed with shepherd dogs were taking their herds for grazing. “This is a rare occurrence,” the guide commented, “There aren’t many cattle stations left in Patagonia.”

About forty minutes later, we were asked to look on the left and wait for the most breathtaking view. A crystal blue lake against the snow-capped peaks appeared out of nowhere. A collective sigh was followed by camera clicks. We stepped out to view the Sarmiento Lake and were greeted by the Patagonian winds.

Sarmiento Lake is 90 square kilometers and is the biggest lake in the sanctuary. Unlike other lakes in the park owe their origin the glaciers this is formed from rain, which gives it a deep blue color. But what was more interesting was its white shores. Its shores are marked by extensive “Thrombolites,” live calcium carbonate structures lined by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), which began to form with the last ice age about 10,000 years ago. They are, in a way, living fossils. They grow at a rate of less than 1 millimeter per year.

Another remarkable thing (visible in the lake picture) are three distinctive granite peaks known as The Towers of Paine. They are about 3000 meters high peaks deeply eroded by glaciers. In her book published in 1880, Lady Florence Dixie gave named these three towers as Cleopatra’s Needles

We were soon surrounded by Guanacos, camel-like animals native to South America, closely related to the llama. Its name comes from the Quechua word huanaco and is pronounced as wanaku. Young guanacos are called chulengos. These are placid animals. Though they were in their wild habitat, we were allowed to take photos with them, provided we didn’t go too close and leave them alone.

Our next stop was a waterfall. To get to it, we walked for twenty minutes through millions of years old rocks, experiencing the true force of the Patagonian wind. It was literally flying us off our feet. It blows with such a ferocity that it can, in Chatwin’s expression – ‘strip the man raw.’ A legend is that it actually made Antoine de Saint-Exupery‘s plane fly backward.

We made frequent stops before lunch to see flora and fauna and spot the puma. The Patagonia land is lined by the basalt pebbles left behind by glaciers. Despite its harsh climate, Patagonian soil is very fertile. We came across several well-rounded bushes with stunning flowers. Another notable flora is the shunted trees that covered a lot of areas. Looking like bonsai, they grow extremely slowly and reach maturity only after approximately 200 years.

We didn’t spot any puma though our guide said he had seen them five or six times. There is also a rare deer called Huemul. Birdlife is abundant, with over 115 species recorded, including the Andean condor with its wingspan of up to 3.2 meters, although we didn’t see any.

Wild winds mean there is a big risk of fires, and Patagonia has experienced quite a few in the past few years. In 2011, two fires in February and another in December, both started by tourists’ neglect, have resulted in more than 16,000 hectares of the Torres del Paine being destroyed, resulting in permanent environmental damage.

After lunch, we went to another lake, Lake Grey, which had stunning turquoise ice masses floating through it. The lake is formed by the Grey Glacier.

After tasting some ice, we packed in the tour bus towards the last stop of the day. Before I tell you about that, I have a story to share, which Bruce Chatwin wrote in the open chapter of his book In Patagonia.

In my grandmother’s dining-room there was a glass-fronted cabinet, and in the cabinet a piece of skin. It was a small piece only , but thick and leathery, with strands of coarse reddish hair. It was stuck to a card with a rusty pin. On the cars was some writing in faded black ink, but I was too young then to read.”

‘What is that?’

‘A piece of a brontosaurus.’

“My mother knew the names of two prehistoric animals, the brontosaurus and the mammoth. She knew it was not a mammoth. Mammoths came from Siberia.”

The brontosaurus, I learned, was an animal that had drowned in the Flood, being too big for Noah to ship aboard the Ark. I pictured a shaggy lumbering creature with claws and fangs and a malicious green light in its eyes. Sometimes the brontosaurus would crash through the bedroom wall and wake me from my sleep.

This particular brontosaurus had lived in Patagonia, a country in South America, at the far end of the world. Thousands of years before, it had fallen into a glacier, in perfect condition at the bottom. Here my grandmother’s cousin Charley Milward the Sailor found it.


Never in my life have I wanted anything as I wanted that piece of skin. My grandmother said I should have it one day, perhaps. And when she died I said: Now I can have that piece of brontosaurus but my mother said: “Oh, that thing! I’m afraid we threw it away.”

Bruce Chatwin was ridiculed in the school by his teacher for telling the story because brontosauruses are reptiles. It was not until later he found out that the skin belonged to a mylodon or Giant Sloth, and his uncle Charley Milward didn’t find the whole skeleton but some skin and bones preserved by the cold dryness and salt, in a cave in The Cave of Hope, in Chilean Patagonia. But this story itched a deep desire in Chatwin’s heart to visit Patagonia. He visited Patagonia and wrote several books on it, which introduced Patagonia to the rest of the world.

They now have a life-size statue of Sloth outside the cave. The remains that Bruce Chatwin’s great-uncle, Charley Milward, found are proudly displayed in the British Museum.

Three books rule

In his famous book the 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris shares this theory that if you read 3 books on a topic from different authors, you’ll become more knowledgeable about it than 99% of people you know.

It’s a bold claim but it makes sense.

Tim’s not saying you’ll become an expert surgeon by reading 3 books on surgery. But you will gain more theoretical knowledge of surgery than most people (other than professional surgeons of course).

Sia Mohajer explains this concept very well in his post Three Book Rule to Become an Expert.

Three books rule might be the permission slip you were looking for to learn a new skill, to start a new career or to simply gain new knowledge.

The bottom line of the rule is that most people’s knowledge about any topic is very limited. If you have read three books (by different authors to cover more ground and to get different points of view), and have understood and internalized that knowledge, you already know more than 99% of people. In their eyes, you are an expert.