Edinburgh – the tale of two cities

On Saturday morning, we left Glencoe for Edinburgh. It had been raining all day on Friday, ending our lucky spell of eight days of perfect sunshine. Rain just stopped long enough in the morning for us to put our luggage in the car and take a few photos of the surrounding hills.

The drive to Edinburgh was beautiful. As soon as we left Glencoe, we were greeted by lush green valleys, hills with countless waterfalls, and green-carpeted pastures dotted with white sheep. At one place, water was gushing out from the earth, a natural spring. At other places, lakes would appear out of nowhere.

There were several stops to admire the view, but we resisted at most of them. The car we hired was due for return at mid-day, and if we stopped frequently, we wouldn’t have made it in time.

At Edinburgh, we deposited our luggage at the bus stop locker and went on to find a petrol station to fill the car. The Google map took us around the whole city but couldn’t get us to a petrol station. Finally, half an hour later, we spotted one.

After returning the car we made out way to a café close to our accommodation and had coffee and the best salad on the whole trip.

The accommodation we were staying at was our first ever Airbnb. It turned out to be a great choice. Walking distance from the city center, Calton Hill and many good restaurants it had sunny rooms and a good selection of books.

After resting for a little while, we went on to explore the city. It seemed like the tourists had invaded the city. Where ever we went, there were crowds.

We walked up the Royal Mile, which had Holyrood palace on one end and the fortress of Edinburgh Castle on the other. 

Totally a touristy place, the Royal Mile had bagpipers playing and street artists performing all the way to the Edinburgh castle. The platform was being prepared in front of the castle for a military parade of some kind.

Signboards told us that it was the site of execution for hundreds of women charged for practicing witchcraft.

Edinburgh Castle

I was not too much off the mark in thinking that Edinburgh architecture is both enchanting and striking at the same time. The Little Book of Edinburgh, which I found in the bookshelf of our accommodation, had the following account on the very first page.

It is spectacularly beautiful, combining a dramatic natural landscape of hills, valleys and the cone of an extinct volcano with an architectural heritage so glorious that it has more listed buildings than anywhere in the UK outside London.

At the same time, there is grimness to the place, a secret, gritty history of dark deeds and squalor. It is this combination – beauty and the beast, if you like – that makes Edinburgh so utterly fascinating, so beguiling.

One of Edinburgh’s most famous sons, Robert Louis Stevenson, knew this better than anyone. His novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, about two conflicting personalities inhabiting the same body, is a virtual metaphor for his native city. Edinburgh is a ‘tale of two cities or rather many different tales. – Geoff Holder, The Little Book of Edinburgh

In the evening, we went up the Calton Hill. Calton Hill, together with Arthur’s Seat and Castle Rock, was formed by volcanic activity about 340 million years ago. Around two and a half million years ago the first of many Ice Ages began in Scotland and Edinburgh was buried under a massive ice sheet, hundreds of meters thick. Throughout each Ice Age when the glaciers were at their heaviest, the weight of ice carved and gouged out many of the hills we see today. 

Calton Hill has a very interesting history. In 1724, the Town Council of Edinburgh purchased Calton Hill making it one of Britain’s first public parks. It has monuments and buildings dating back from 1760 to 1820 relating to the period known as ‘Scottish Enlightenment,’ a time of great artistic, literary and scientific advances. 

One of the leading figures of the Enlightenment was the philosopher David Hume. In fact, he was responsible for lobbying the Town Council to build public walks or roads for the health and amusement of the inhabitants on Calton Hill.

Calton Hill houses a number of buildings including the Scottish National Monument, Nelson Monument, and an Observatory.

Scottish National Monument

Scottish National Monument was intended to be another Parthenon and to commemorate Scottish Soldiers killed in the Napoleonic wars. Its construction started in 1826 but was stopped in 1829 when the building was only partially built due to lack of money. It has never been completed. 

For many years this failure to complete led to its being nicknamed “Scotland’s Disgrace” but this name has waned given the time elapsed since the Napoleonic Wars and it is now accepted for what it is.

Nelson Monument

Nelson monument is the most interesting building I have ever seen. Build to commemorate the victory of Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, over the French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the tower has a time ball on it.

A wooden mechanized ball was added at the top of the telescope-like building to give a time signal to ships in Leith harbor. It was a great idea until they realized that the ball is not visible on a foggy day.

This led to starting another time signal tradition — firing an 18-pound loaded canon known as ‘one o’clock gun.’

The time ball is synchronized with the One O’Clocks firing from Edinburgh Castle.

Neither the gun nor the time ball is needed by the ships today but both still sound every day telling the Edinburgh people it is lunchtime.

Observatory House

Calton Hill Observatory is considered the birthplace of astronomy and timekeeping.

The Observatory houses a refractor in its dome and a 6.4-inch transit telescope for astronomical and naval observatories to measure star positions in order to compile nautical almanacs for use by mariners for celestial navigation. 

The telescope is used to observe star transits to set extremely accurate clocks (astronomical regulators) which were used to set marine chronometers carried on ships to determine longitude, and as primary time standards before atomic clocks. (Source: Wikipedia).

Arthur’s Seat

The next morning we started the day by climbing Arthur’s Seat. As the main peak of a group of hills made from an ancient volcano Arthur’s Seat has panoramic views of the city. 

It was relatively easy to climb except for the top part which was slippery, rocky, and spiky. Needing a bit of challenge for the day, I decided to go to the top and have my photo taken. 

Arthur’s Seat — Images by the author

Holyrood Palace

Just next to Arthur Hill is Holyrood Palace which the official residence of the Queen when she visits Scotland. It has been the principal royal residence of the Scottish monarch since the 16th century and used for state occasions and official entertaining.

The Queen spends one week at Holyroodhouse at the beginning of each summer and throws a lot of parties in the lovely gardens. 

The inside of the palace is open to the public throughout the year and is very interesting. We watched the 16th-century historic apartments of Mary, the Queen of Scotts including the chamber where her private secretary David Rizzio ware murdered.

Also worth mentioning are the ruins of the Augustinian Holyrood Abbey, which was founded in 1128 at the order of King David I of Scotland. It is a burial site of many kings.

Holyrood Palace — Images by the author

We spent the last day in Edinburgh roaming the streets, visiting the Edinburgh museum and art gallery, and having a wonderful breakfast at a local cafe. 

For dinner, one night we went to a Turkish restaurant which had the most sumptuous kabab platter I have ever had.  

Edinburgh streets — Images by the author

This is part 7 of the 13 part series. If you want to read the previous article of this series, here are the links:

Inverness And The Monster Of The Loch Ness

Windsor Castle, Bath, and the Stonehenge

Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and the National Gallery

The London Eye, Palace of Westminster, and Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and the National Gallery

Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral

London — The First Impression

Inverness and the monster of the Loch Ness

No visit to the UK is complete without visiting the Highlands and Inverness. Inverness is the capital of the Highlands.

Most people start their trip to the Highlands from Edinburgh and work their way up towards Inverness, but we did it the other way around. We caught a flight from London to Inverness and worked our way down towards Edinburgh. Yesterday I wrote about Edinburgh, today I am going to write about two nights we spent in Inverness.

We caught 9:45 flight from London to Inverness and got there around 10:45. We had booked a car which turned out to be the best decision since most of the must see places are at considerable distances.


As soon as we drove out of Inverness airport, we were greeted by the beauty of the Highlands. We drove past the tree-lined road for half a mile which opened up to perfectly carpeted valleys and hills in the freshest of green. Taking out a camera to capture the view in the picture would be insulting to the scenery so beautiful, so I just watched and took it all in.

Thanks to Google maps, we found our way to our Bed and Breakfast place without any problem. We deposited our luggage with the friendly landlady, who also guided us on where to eat and what to see on an exceptionally sunny day.

Our room at B&B

Tourism seems to be the main source of income for the town as almost every second house in Inverness was a Bed and Breakfast. No wonder we had to pay premium rates for our room as every place had a No Vacancy sign-on.

It was a perfect day; sunny, mild, and without any wind, so we had a quick bite to eat and went on to see Loch Ness.

Loch Ness and its monster

Loch Ness is a large, deep freshwater lake on the southwest of Inverness. It is the second-largest Scottish loch, but due to its great depth, it is the largest by volume. It is said to be able to drown the whole population of the world three times over. Its deepest point is 230 m which is little more than the tallest building in London (The Shard).

Loch Ness

Loch Ness is best known for alleged sightings of the cryptozoological Loch Ness Monster.

The Loch Ness Exhibition Centre has a dramatic exhibition to tell the monster’s story, which has been around for hundreds of years and was first brought to the world’s attention in 1933.

The Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie as it is called, is said to be a large creature with a long neck and one or more humps. Although evidence of its existence is anecdotal, millions of dollars have been spent to find proof for its existence but the finding are still inconclusive.

Whether the monster exists or not, the legend is good for local business. Thousands of tourists flock to the Exhibition Centre (built in 1980 and now a winner as a 5-star visitor attraction by the Scottish Tourist Board), including wide-eyed children and their equally amazed parents and grandparents who probably want to keep the legend alive.

The town of Drumnadrochit

Drumnadrochit is a small but lovely village on the western shore of Loch Ness. We stopped there to have a little walk to stretch our legs and then have a coffee from Fiddlers Highland Restaurant, a must for the visitors to the town.

Town of Drumnadrochit
Fiddler’s at Drumnadrochit

Divach Falls

We took a small detour to see Divach falls which were just 2 miles up a single track, and then a short walk through the densely populated forest. The falls were small, but the walk through the tress was beautiful.

Walk to Divach Falls
Divach Falls

Urquhart Castle

On the way back to Inverness, we stopped by Urquhart Castle. It sits beside Loch Ness, just 2 kilometers east of the village of Drumnadrochit. It is just a ruin now and is said to date from the 13th to the 16th centuries, though built on an early medieval fortification site.

It was almost half-past five when we arrived there. Entry to the castle was closed. We took some pictures and left for Inverness. Before dinner, we took a short stroll beside River Ness while it was still light.

Urquhart Castle

Inverness Castle

If yesterday was the perfect day to see the Loch Ness and Divach Falls, today was the perfect day to see the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery as it had been raining all morning. The Inverness Museum and Art Gallery have an impressive collection divided into geological, cultural, historical, and art sections. We spent a good two hours there reading about the formation of Highlands 135 million years ago. We learned about the proud traditions of Highlanders, how they lived, the instruments they played, and the clothes they wore.

I always prefer visiting small museums and art galleries as I tend to spend more time absorbing a limited number of exhibits. I come out feeling less overwhelmed and more informed than after visiting large museums and galleries with endless displays.

Next to the Inverness museum is Inverness Castle which sits on a cliff overlooking River Ness. It is a red sandstone structure, built in 1836 by architect William Burn as an 11th-century defensive structure. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go inside it as it houses the Inverness Sheriff Court.

Inverness Castle

Culloden Battlefields

Twenty miles to the north of Inverness, towards the direction of the airport, is the Culloden battlefields where the final battle of Jacobite Rising was fought (16 April 1746) to restore the Stuart monarchy to the British thrones. It was the last battle, and in less than an hour, around 1,500 men were slain — more than 1,000 of them Jacobites.

An interactive visitor center is built on the site to tell the story of these brave men. It was a real eerie experience to walk in the vast ground listening to the wind and imagining what would have happened there more than three hundred years ago.

There is a small memorial tower in the middle of the battlefield and a hut on the side that has been there since the battle.

Stone memorial on Culloden Battlefields
Original hut on the outskirts of Culloden Battlefields

A visit to a distillery

It was still raining when we left the Culloden Battlefields. So rather than going back to the B&B, we decided to visit the nearby Tomatin distillery detour of twenty miles.

Those twenty miles became forty miles as we missed the turn, and Google Maps took us to through windy country roads. Rather than regretting it, we thoroughly enjoyed the drive as it was the most beautiful drive so far. We spotted a Viaduct bridge which was perhaps bigger than the Glenfinnan bridge made famous by the Harry Potter movies.

It started pouring when we reached the Tomatin distillery. We made our way to the reception desk only to find that the distillery tours were fully booked. We needed to book many days in advance due to the busy season.

The friendly but extremely busy staff offered us a free whisky tasting and turned on the movie for just the two of us.

Tomatin Distillery

We had dinner at the Caledonia pub and called it a night. The next day we were to drive to Glencoe, indisputably most beautiful place in the Highlands, as the friendly landlady told me.

Do you have any stories to share about the Highlands? I would love to hear them. Share them with me through the comments section, please.

This is part 6 of the 13 part series. If you want to read the previous article of this series, here are the links:

Windsor Castle, Bath, and the Stonehenge

Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and the National Gallery

The London Eye, Palace of Westminster, and Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and the National Gallery

Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral

London — The First Impression