A writer’s graduation

If you are on a journey to become a professional writer, you need to understand one thing. Like any other profession, you need to graduate from the school of writing.

Professional qualifications can take anywhere from three to seven years. A bachelor’s degree in science typically takes four years; a law degree can take three years on top of that, and medicine up to seven years. 

Graduation in writing can take many years, but four to five years if you are working on the craft full time.

But most of us are writing on the side.

That takes a long time to learn the skills of the trade.

Indeed, you don’t have to go to university to get the qualifications. You can learn the craft through self-study, but you become a writer by writing, and that, my dear, takes years. 

You got to be writing a lot, and for many years, before your work gets anywhere close to publishable quality.

The major drawback of the self-study writing degree is that we don’t automatically advance one level per year. We can be a freshman for years. I know that because I have been a freshman for twenty years.

Randy Ingermanson, the writer who invented the Snowflake method of outlining, has devised a method to figure out where you are on the road to graduation as a writer.

Following his method, you can self-judge whether you are a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. Here are the criteria:

Freshmen are novice writers. They often have very fine content, but their craft is unpolished and they usually don’t have any contacts at all. Most Freshmen are convinced that they will never sell anything and they might as well give up. It’s fair to say that all Freshmen are very confused. That’s OK!

Sophomores have a bit of writing under their belts. They’ve improved their craft and probably also their content and they’re starting to get restless. Just how long does it take to get published, anyway? Why can’t those editors see that my book is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius and just publish the thing?

Juniors have gone even further. They’ve become strong writers. They’ve submitted some actual proposals at conferences. They’ve had an editor say those magic words — “Send me that proposal.” Their friends can’t understand why they’re not published. There is a reason, of course — they’re not Seniors yet. But they soon will be.

Seniors are those few who are ripe to graduate. A Senior is writing excellent stuff. Explosive. Powerful. Moving. But still unpublished. Seniors are worried sick that those mean editors are never going to notice them, that they’ll be submitting proposals forever. And then one day the phone rings. It’s one of those cranky editors you sent that proposal to last year and she wants to buy your book!

Source: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Author

How to move from one level to the next

Randy advises not to jump levels. It is hard enough already. If you try to jump from Sophomores to the Senior level, you will frustrate yourself and eventually give up writing altogether.

His tip is to take your time to move from Freshman to Sophomore and work on the craft. This means writing a lot and writing for readers. Write in your journal daily. Start a blog. Participate in November Novel Writing Month. Join a critique group.

Once all that becomes a habit, you can work towards becoming Juniors. Start attending writer’s conferences and learn to write book proposals. Writing proposals is an art in itself, and you will need a lot of practice to hone it. And guess what, you will need to get critiques on your proposals too.

As a Junior, you strive for excellence. Both in your work and your proposals. You will need to build your contacts and broaden your horizons. This will mean meeting lots of people. Not just editors but writers too, as Randy says, ” knowing lots of writers is better than knowing lots of editors, and it’s a whole lot easier.”

And finally, when you have made yourself known in the writing circle, you become a senior writer. Then just like any university, you win the bragging rights to intimidate the freshmen. 

But even at this stage, you need to continue to strive for perfection in your craft. 

But your main job is to wait for the right idea. 

And as soon as it strikes, you are to grab it with both hands and turn it into the book by using all that you have been learning so far.

Then my dear, an editor, who is a lifelong friend of a lifelong friend, will offer you a contract, and you will be an author. 

If you have already checked and your lifelong friend doesn’t have an editor friend, not to worry, you can build a writer’s page on Amazon and self-publish your book.

Then will start the real journey of being an authorpreneure. 

To know more about those, read my previous articles on the Authopreneur series.

How I outlined my novel

When I started writing my first novel, I didn’t have any story. I just had one incident in mind that I witnessed as a little girl back in India.

The son of our landlord, who lived in England, came to visit his parents. At their insistence, he had to marry a local girl before he left. A wedding was hastily arranged and we kids had a ball participating in festivities.

Once back in England the reluctant son wrote a letter to the girl that he was already married and had two children. He said he can’t get her to join him in England and she was free to do whatever she wanted.

I was too young to understand all the details (why didn’t he tell his parents that he was already married) but months later I visited that girl with my mother. I still remember her face. She was beautiful. I couldn’t understand how anyone could leave her in the lurch. My mother was furious though. How could someone destroy a life like that, was her infuriation. Her life was ruined for sure. She would always be treated as a second-rate woman.

This incident became the first plot point for my novel. I just added a twist to it with a “What if” question.

What if the girl went abroad and then found out that her husband was already married.

The second plot point also came from another real-life incident. Years ago an acquaintance of mine confided in me the ‘most weird thing’ that her boyfriend had done to her. I can’t disclose it here (it will give away the twist in the novel) but I knew instinctively that I have to use it in the novel.

The third plot point came from a single shot of a TV series that I had watched as a teenager. It was an image that implied more than any amount of dialogues or skillful plotting could (again disclosure will give away the story). All I had to do was to combine it with a number of real-life scenarios I was aware of and it would give a perfect ending to the book.

At this point, I had a loose storyline. What I needed was a method to plot it and to turn it into an outline.

I used three methods rather than just one. Each one of them strengthened the story in a different way.

1. A combination of Three-Act Structure and Seven-Plot-Points Method

The Three-Act Structure is a narrative model that divides a plot up into three sections – setup, confrontation, and resolution. These sections represent rising and falling action. Although it is time-tested, easy to master structure that is the basis for almost every Hollywood movie, its main drawback is that it is too broad and it doesn’t give much help in plotting the story.

It is best used in conjunction with the Seven-Plot-Points method which entails – the hook, the first plot point, pinch point 1, the midpoint, pinch point 2, second plot point and the resolution.

The following diagram beautifully blends the two methods.

Image Source: Three Act Structure in Films

At this point, I had no outline in place. The ‘what if’ scenario gave me a storyline and I was able to write a few more chapters. But then I stalled.

2. The Snowflake method

The strength of the Snowflake method is that it forces you to think of marketing first. It

In nutshell the method is:

  • Step 1- Write a one-sentence summary of the novel.
  • Step 2 – Write a full paragraph describing the story setup, major disasters, and ending of the novel.
  • Step 3 – Write a one-page summary sheet for each major character.
  • Step 4 – Expand each sentence of your summary paragraph into a full paragraph. All but the last paragraph should end in a disaster. The final paragraph should tell how the book will end. The whole thing should be no more than one page.
  • Step 5 – Write up a one-page description of each major character and a half-page description of the other important characters.
  • Step 6 – Expand the plot synopsis of the novel developed in step 4 to a four-page synopsis.
  • Step 7 – expand your character descriptions into full-fledged character charts detailing everything there is to know about each character.
  • Step 8 – Use the four-page synopsis to make a list of all the scenes that you’ll need to turn the story into a novel – write one line about each which includes point-of-view character and what happens.
  • Step 9 – Take each line and expand it to a multi-paragraph description of the scene.
  • Step 10 – Commence writing the novel.

The first step is the hardest. But if you can write the once sentence summary of your book at the onset, you will not waste days or months (or maybe years) figuring out what your novel is about.

Once the summary is done, the Snowflake method is an excellent tool to expand and discover the story in manageable chunks.

But there was no way to know whether the storyline had enough ups and downs. Whether it will keep the reader’s interest.

This is when I came across the book Save The Cat by Blake Snyder and learned how to balance the story and keep the momentum.

3. Save The Cat Beatsheet

Though written mainly for screenwriters Save The Cat gives an excellent tool to present the story in such a way that it keeps the readers interested.

The book divides the story into 15 beats. These beats are well described in Jessica Brody’s Beatsheet.

Once I familiarised myself with the 15 beats, it was time to apply them to the outline of my novel.

I did that in four steps:

  1. Estimated how long is my novel was going to be.
  2. Divided the number of words into acts.
  3. Divided acts into scenes.
  4. Figured out where the story beats should go.

Let’s say my book is going to be 80,000 words long.

By the 3 Act Structure

  • First Act represents about 25% of the total word count
  • Second Act represents about 50% of the total word count
  • Third Act represents about 25% of the total word count

So, that means the breakdown for my 80,000-word book will be:

  • First Act (80,000 x.25) = about 20,000 words
  • Second Act (80,000 x.50) = about 40,000 words
  • Third Act (80,000 x.25) = about 20,000 words

An average scene is about 1000 to 2000 words long, with the sweet spot being of 1500 words. I estimated how many scenes I was going to have in each act and ultimately in the book.

  • First Act (20,000 words / 1,500-word scenes) = about 14 scenes
  • Second Act (40,000 words / 1,500-word scenes) = about 28 scenes
  • Third Act (20,000 words / 1,500-word scenes) = about 14 scenes

That means I am going to have approximately 56 scenes in the book. Now I can start figuring out where each of the 15 story beats will go.

In Save The Cat Blake Snyder lays out where each beat should go:

  1. Opening Image – 0% to 1%
  2. Theme Stated – 5%
  3. Setup – 1% to 10%
  4. Catalyst – 10%
  5. Debate – 10% to 20%
  6. Break Into Two – 20%
  7. B Story – 22% )
  8. Fun and Games – 20% to 50%
  9. Midpoint – 50%
  10. Bad Guys Close In – 50% to 75%
  11. All is Lost – 75%
  12. Dark Night of the Soul – 75% to 80%
  13. Break Into Three – 80%
  14. Finale – 80% to 99%
  15. Final Image – 99% to 100%

So, to figure out where the beat should go in my novel I took the total number of scenes and multiplied it by the percentage listed above.

For example, the Midpoint occurs around the 50% mark of a story, (56 scenes x .5 = Midpoint occurs in the 28th scene).

It can also be done with total word count (80,000 words x .5 = Midpoint occurs around 40,000 words).

To learn more you can go to the beautiful post written by Savannah Gilbo How to Outline Your Novel with Save the Cat!

Hope this will help you to outline and plot your novel.

Do write to me about your experience or your way of outlining your novel.

Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

13 ways to outline your novel

I wish someone had told me how to outline my novel when I started writing the first draft of my novel.

I was expecting that the year-long novel writing course I signed up for would help me flesh out the story first before embarking on – making an impact, structure, backstory, characterization, narrative types, the middle, scenes, chapters, amazing endings – but it didn’t.

Instead, I became the first one in the group (volunteered by the course leader) to bring the first chapter for group critique.

Although my chapter was well received as it had lots of drama, action and a cliff hanger at the end, it put me on the wrong path.

I became a pantser. I was discovering the story as I was writing it. It worked fine for a while but then it stalled. I had no idea how to take it forward and whether it was going in any direction.

That is when I had to stop and learn about outlining.

And learn I did.

Kate Grenville wrote that she had 100-page research material before writing ‘The Secret River,’ her best known work. Margret Atwood admit time write 70 to 80 page outline before commencing her books. But Robert Ludlum beat them all. He writes a 100-page outline for all his books.

I used to think 100-page outline is over the top. It is a killer. But if it was something that could help my novel see the light of the day, I am up for it.

And so should be you.

Midway during writing my novel, I am on a mission to write 100-page outline and see whether it will take out of the rut and help me finish it.

I am researching and sharing everything along the way starting from how to outline.

There are many ways to outlining. One is not necessarily better than the other. But what works for one writer may not work for another. Also, it depends upon the story you are telling.

I was going to write a lengthy post to describe different ways to outline but then I found the following video. In sixteen minutes it gives a summary of the most prevailing outline methods by some of the great writers on this planet.

God bless Michael La Ronn for creating this video. He has got many more on his channel.

And if you still want more here are three links but you will have to read the text. There are no videos.

What method do I use, you may ask.?

I use a blend of The Snowflake, Scenes & Sequels and Save the Cat Beat Sheet methods.

There is plenty to take in from all these links. I will talk more about my method in the next post.

Novel writing, upside down (and inside out)

I must admit that my approach to novel writing so far has been wrong. So wrong, that I haven’t been able to finish the damn thing in five years, even though the plot is clear and characters are living in my head constantly chattering, impatient to see the light of the day.

Not only I, but most of my writing group buddies have chosen the obvious but wrong approach to write our novels.

The usual and amateurish approach is to come up with an idea, flesh it out, identify the main plot point and start writing. Character development is done on the fly. Research is non-existent. The point of view is selected at the beginning and is very hard to change because we are already into writing chapters.

Believe it or not, this is what most amateur writers (including myself) do when it comes to novel writing. And then we expect, whatever that comes out of our pen to be of publishable quality.

There is a better way to write a novel.

The way of professionals.

I first read about this approach in the ‘Searching for the Secret River‘ the book Kate Grenville wrote about writing her most admired novel ‘The Secret River

The last night I was watching a documentary on Margaret Atwood, an all-time great writer of our times, and she admitted to the same approach.

As I researched more writers, successful writers who have written several books, it started becoming evident how they are able to write so much consistently while the amateur writers struggle to finish one.

The secret lies in your first draft.

I always thought the first draft is very much like the final draft with the perfect opening line, a cliff hanger first chapter and then page-turning subsequent chapters leading to a satisfying end. All this is left to do in the subsequent revisions is polishing the language and filling any minor gaps.

I couldn’t be wrong.

I had written 12 chapters of the book even before I had fleshed out all the characters, their wants and desires, their motivations, and their quirks. I hadn’t figure out the subplots and I had no idea how to fill in the middle part.

This is where Kate Grenville’s revelation came to rescue. She said when she had a hundred pages worth of material from the research she was doing for ‘The Secret River,’ she knew she was ready to write the book.

Think of it, one hundred pages worth of material before starting the first chapter. All her research was done prior to writing the book.

Remember ‘The Moby Dick’, the 400 hundred page novel. Herman Melville talked to the survivor of the shipwreck and wrote down the whole story. He knew the whole story before he commenced. He didn’t have to figure it out as he went along.

The first draft of a novel is where you tell the story to yourself to figure it out. And I do mean tell not show. Just like you would tell the story of a movie you recently watched on TV that your friend missed out on.

This is where you will ‘fish out’ the story. You will create characters and you would figure out everything about them. Where were they born, where did they go to school, how they reacted to childhood traumas and what their motives are. This is where you will capture all the research you would do. You will find gaps and fill them. You will make the storyboard and figure out the mirror moment.

This is like writing a synopsis of your story but not after finishing your book but before commencing it.

And it is for not for agents or publishers but for yourself.

Some people call it a detailed outline.

Tomorrow I will talk about different approaches to write a 100-page outline of your novel.

How to focus on one thing at a time

There is so much I want to do that it doesn’t matter how much juggling I do I don’t seem to fit them all in my day. Yet I don’t want to let go of anything. I am a typical case of being busy but not productive. I am not going deep enough and the quality of my work is suffering.

When my kids were little they wanted to do several extra-curricular activities just like their friends – swimming, basketball, dance, piano, violin, gymnastics, ice skating. I didn’t believe it was possible to fit them all in a week. So I made two rules for them. They can do only two things at a time and they will have to stick them for at least six months. This way if they wanted to try something new, they will have to wait.

It worked like magic with them. My daughters stuck with Indian classical dance for twenty years and maths for ten years while basketball, tennis, swimming, ice skating, piano, and clarinet came and went.

I need a similar rule for myself now.

But it is easier to discipline your kids than yourself. At least this is the case with me.

After going through a lot of agonies I have unearthed a few strategies.

  1. Choose 5. The credit of this one goes to Jame Altucher the writer of the book ‘Choose Yourself.’ According to him create a list of 25 things and choose 5 that are your absolute favorite. Concentrate on those five. Park the rest for later, they might just be distractions.
  2. Turn them into projects. Make them time and result specific. Write for one month, draw cartoons for one month. Have a new focus every month. Create mini projects and that will give you some structure around your wants and dreams.

Working a little by little on a regular basis gets a lot done and you don’t waste energy.

And this is what I will be doing. I will be devoting December, the last month of the year, to get back to the novel that I started more than five years ago. This month I will be writing a 100-page synopsis of my novel that will include plot, story, characters, details and research.

And I will be reporting about it on this blog.