Selfish vs Selfless

Since childhood, we are told not to be selfish. Instead, we are trained to consider others’ needs before ours. In other words, be selfless.

But is it good advice?

Being selfish is putting your own needs ahead of others, often to their detriment, and being selfless is putting others’ needs ahead of your own, often to your own detriment.

Caring for others is one of the most common values people hold. When they act in line with this value, it gives them a sense of meaning and fulfillment.

But the same people cringe when the concept of self-care is presented to them.

“Oh no, this is being selfish,” is a typical response.

If caring for others is meaningful, then why caring for yourself, and putting your own needs upfront is wrong?

We often get trapped into believing in selflessness and selfishness as polarised actions. We see that if we are either focusing on the needs of others (being selfless) or ignoring the needs of others (being selfish). We do not see a continuum where there is a spot for self-care to sit in the middle.

The balance between selfishness and selflessness is called “contribution” and requires the self-awareness to know what your needs are and how to meet them. Contribution is the desire to give others what they truly desire and fulfill our own desires.

It turns out that people who value caring for others tend to feel glory in sacrificing their own needs.

Being a martyr becomes their identity, and it impacts their behavior so much that they can’t say no to others’ requests. As a result, they have difficulty maintaining boundaries and usually have relationships that aren’t balanced.

Then there is an aversion to being seen as self-indulgent.

There is a perception that self-care is the same as being self-indulgent. However, self-indulgence is a temporary and often unhelpful way of trying to avoid facing and changing what is happening. Think about all of those chocolate ads where the person finally gets to relax and have a break.

Self-care is about growth and change. It is about shifting the imbalance and building a healthier, more resilient self.

When you value and practice self-care, it creates a ripple effect for you and those you care about.

Selflessness can only be sustained if your own desires are fulfilled. If your own well is empty, you won’t be able to help others. Choosing to deny your desires simply because they are YOUR desires is stupid. You are a person of this universe, as important as the persons you are serving. Then why your desires should be dismissed?

If you are hoping (or expecting) that others will be selfless and put your desires before their own, you are mistaken. I am sure you have experienced that multiple times but still failed to acknowledge that while you were being selfless, others were busy being selfish.

We respectable types, especially women, are raised to think a life well-spent means helping others. Plenty of self-help gurus affirm that kindness, generosity, and volunteering are the routes to happiness.

There’s truth here, but it generally gets tangled up with deep-seated guilt and self-esteem issues. Meanwhile, the people who boast all day on Twitter about their charity work aren’t being selfless at all; they are massaging their egos.

If you’re prone to thinking you should be helping more, that’s probably a sign that you could afford to direct more energy to your own ambitions and enthusiasms.

As the Buddhist teacher Susan Piver observes, it’s radical, at least for some of us, to ask how we’d enjoy spending an hour or day of “me” time.

And the irony is that you don’t serve anyone else by suppressing your true passions anyway.

More often than not, by doing your thing – as opposed to what you think you ought to be doing – you kindle a fire that helps keep the rest of us warm.

So what are you going to do today to be selfish?

How To Set Up A Good LinkedIn Profile

As a writer, I find the hardest thing to write is the ‘About’ page – whether it is my website, Medium, or LinkedIn.

There is something about writing ‘about yourself’ that everyone finds intimidating.

Whatever I write seems inadequate.

How can you encapsulate so much about yourself in a few hundred words?

Thankfully, LinkedIn has made the job much easier.

It gives a template, a space to write your bio, and a section to provide links to learn more about your work (or if you choose to market your products).

Perhaps because LinkedIn started as a resume sharing platform.

But now, it is emerging as a communication platform for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs (that includes authorpreneurs) to share ideas, find clients, and grow businesses.

Second only to Twitter in terms of making connections and growing your network, it is imperative to have a good LinkedIn Profile.

Why is it essential to have a good LinkedIn Profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is your landing page to manage your brand.

It is an excellent way to let people know who you are, what you stand for, and what you’re interested in.

It is your storyboard, where people can find you and stay updated on your activity.

Five ways LinkedIn profile helps you.

  • To build your network.
  • To establish you as an expert in your field.
  • To manage your professional brand.
  • To avail global opportunities.
  • To track your professional milestones.

In a nutshell, your LinkedIn profile helps you get noticed.

Since your clients, recruiters and readers check your profile to know more about you, make sure your profile is complete and representative of you.

Image by the author

You need to optimize every touchpoint to build a following.

Let’s take them one by one.

Banner Image

Your banner is the prime real estate, which is the first thing people notice when looking at your profile.

You can use it effectively by bringing attention to what you want people to notice about you.

I have highlighted my books on my banner image, which I have created in Canva. It highlights my most important skill of being an author.

Image by the author

It also has my photo. A good profile photo increases the credibility of your profile and helps you stand out from the crowd.

LinkedIn users with a profile photo get up to 21 times more views than members without a photo.

You can also record and display a video on your profile introducing yourself, your achievement, and how you can help your clients/readers.


Your tagline is the second most important thing people notice on your profile. Make it work for you.

My tagline is: Turn your big idea into a book with me in 30 days.

It explains my service in a sentece.

Read a few taglines and see which one stands out for you. Then tailor yours accordingly.


You can showcase work samples you are most proud of in the Featured section. It could be your posts, articles, newsletter, media or external links.

It is the most important section for marketing.

You can showcase as many items as you like, but I prefer three to keep it simple.

The three things you should have is:

  1. A Free Offer
  2. Your signature course offer
  3. A call for subscription, often to your newsletter
Image by the author

Many people try to put too many things in the Feature section. That dissuades people from exploring. When you have only a few, people check them out.

In my case, they are likely to click at least one or two links.

They might click on the free book offer to take them to a post where I give the link to download Writer’s Toolkit.

They might check out my course Write Your Book In 30 Days.

Or they might click the newsletter link, which will take them to my Substack page, where they can read some of my articles and subscribe.


So many people are intimidated by LinkedIn. Particularly how to fill in the profile information.

The best way is to find a few profiles you like and build your own based on that. If you like mine, feel free to use it as a template.

Concentrate on three primary areas, Banner, Tagline, and Featured, and ignore the rest for the time being. You can always fill them in later.

This is the simplest way to build a good LinkedIn profile.

There are plenty of help articles on LinkedIn. Just google your question, and one or more articles will appear to solve your problem.

If you still have any questions you think I can help you with, ask them in the comments section.

Good luck.

See you on LinkedIn.

This is part 3 of the series of posts I am doing on LinkedIn.

If you are interested, here is a list of my other articles about LinkedIn.

One Cool Way to Grow Your Audience Beyond Your Wildest Dream

Lesson Learned During 30 Day LinkedIn Sprint

How To Get Started On LinkedIn

How To Write A Good LinkedIn Post