4 Observations research unveiled about goals

It is that time of the year again when we are looking at the goals for 2024.

I dabbled into several articles, including the research articles that are popping up about goal setting.

Here are the 3 researchers found about goal setting:

1. Your Goals Should Be A Bit Out of Reach but Not Impossible

Research reveals that the most rewarding goals are those that challenge us, just a tad out of our immediate grasp but still within the realm of possibility. It’s the sweet spot where growth and achievement intersect. Remember, the journey is as crucial as the destination.

2. The Work That Goes Into Achieving Your Goal Should Excite You, Not Just the Results

Goals should be more than just endpoints; they should be endeavors that excite us, not only for the outcomes, but for the journey itself. Finding joy and fulfillment in the process ensures sustained motivation and a richer sense of accomplishment.

3. Frustration and Anxiety as Progress Signals

Surprising, right? Research suggests that experiencing frustration and anxiety along the way isn’t a setback but a sign of progress. It means you’re pushing boundaries, stepping out of your comfort zone, and challenging yourself. Embrace these feelings—they’re indicators of growth.

4. Singular Focus, Have Only One Goal

The research speaks loud and clear—opt for the power of one. Concentrating on a single goal enhances clarity, focus, and consistency. It’s not about limiting, but about channeling your energy and efforts for maximum impact.

Setting goals isn’t just about reaching a destination; it’s about the transformative journey and the person you become along the way.

Keep aiming high, find joy in the pursuit, and remember that frustration and anxiety are the companions of progress. 

End of the year tasks

As we are approaching the end of the year, I will spend the next few days performing a Digital Reset to start the new year with a clean and organized digital space.

Here is the list of things I am doing.

⭐️ Emptying my desktop and download folders, archiving what needs archiving and deleting the rest.

⭐️ Clearing my inbox. Archiving what I need and deleting the rest, I already work on Zero Inbox policy.

⭐️ Cleaning up my archives as well, keeping the ones I need and deleting the rest.

⭐️ Unsubscribing from newsletters and promotions that I do not read anymore.

⭐️ Organizing my desktop and cloud storage according to the PARA structure.

⭐️Evaluating my subscriptions and unsubscribing from services that I no longer require.

⭐️ Deleting any unused apps from my phone and Mac to free up space.

⭐️ Updating my operating system to the latest version.

⭐️ Turning off all notifications.

What will you be doing to declutter and streamline your digital life to start the new year afresh?

23 Things That Made The Year 2023 For Me

1. Journaling daily.

2. Intermittent fasting.

3. Starting building in public.

4. Writing regularly on LinkedIn.

5. Replacing annual goals with life long mission.

6. Joining ‘Ship 30 For 30’ and learning lean writing.

7. Using Silva meditation method to become a relaxed writer.

8. Bringing my inbox to zero and keeping it that way.

9. Employing PARA method to keep my digital files in order.

10. Publishing my 5th book ‘Become A Productive Writer.’

11. Writing the first draft of ‘A Writer’s Guide For Travel Writing.’

12. Turning my website into a repository for all my writings.

13. Doing ‘Building A Second Brain’ course with Tiago Forte.

14. Building my knowledge management system and kept it up to date.

15. Nailing my productivity through Author Planner & Bullet Journal.

16. Cruising from Sydney to New Zealand with family and friends.

17. Traveling through the United States and Canada for six weeks.

18. Taking a extended vacation in India to explore south and north-east states.

19. Spending a week at a wellness centre learning yoga, fasting and naturopathy.

20. Turning my Substack newsletter into a hub for teaching writing books from life.

21. Targeting my course ‘Write Your Book In 30 Days’ to coaches and professionals.

22. Joining Premium Ghostwriting Academy with Nicholas Cole and Dickie Bush ?

23. Pivoting my focus from online writing to educate through Educational Email Courses.

What made your year?