Applying ‘Goldilocks Rule’ To Stay Motivated

You can apply the ‘Goldilocks Rule’ to stay motivated. Here is how:

Imagine you’re playing a new board game with some friends. The game is so challenging, you can’t even win a single point. And no matter how many hours you put into it, you don’t get any better. Chances are, you’d grow frustrated and want to give up.

Now imagine the flip side.

The game is so easy, you win every single time without any effort. While your ego may get a boost, it would probably get pretty boring. And you give it up.

Either way, you lose your motivation.

Because motivation requires just the right amount of challenge. Not too much. Not too little. Just like Goldilocks!

‘Goldilocks Rule’ is worth considering with whatever you do. If things are too easy, you’ll get bored. If they’re too hard, you’ll get frustrated. Do you need to add a new challenge to spice things up?

Alternatively, do you need to purposely make things EASIER so you can actually get some quick ‘wins’ under your belt?

There’s no right answer. This is something to regularly calibrate each day.