Build A Personal Knowledge Management System In 30 Days

Boost Your Productivity: Create a Knowledge Management System That Works for You

Cohort 1 – Starting From Sunday 7 May to 4 June 2023

Is This You?

  • Do you constantly waste time searching for the information you were sure you had saved?
  • Have you tried different systems to organize your notes (knowledge) but none of them had made your life easier?
  • Are you a digital hoarder? Do you find it difficult to decide what to save and what not to save and hence you save everything?
  • Do you feel ashamed and anxious about that pile of unfinished projects?
  • Do you schedule a time to work on projects (writing a book, or building a project plan) but when you sit down to work, you feel unsure of where to start?
  • Are you stuck in a perpetual state of overwhelm, juggling emails, projects, and social media and unable to focus on the things that truly matter?
  • Your default approach to a project is of “heavy lift,” where you gruelingly slog through painful work and create everything from scratch.
  • You are always busy but you don’t feel productive and you are sick of the constant feeling of overwhelm and burnout.

What If You Could…

  • Have an easy-to-build and easy-to-maintain system to organize your digital life in such a way that it not only reduces stress, but significantly enhances productivity.
  • Have a trusted place outside your head where you can collect and organize your most important ideas, insights, and notes (while filtering out the junk) and access it whenever you need them.
  • Have the peace of mind that your most important information and insights are just two clicks away.
  • Have clear criteria to decide what to save and what not to save.
  • Know exactly where to start when you sit down to work, so you can start long-awaited projects and take them to the finish line.
  • Combat information overwhelms and frees up your attention for more creative, interesting endeavors.
  • Work on several projects in parallel, in a “slow burn” mode, where you slowly gather ideas in the background and over time have a rich collection of interesting ideas, insights, examples, facts, and illustrations to compile your project.
  • Clear the digital and mental clutter and started doing your best work with clarity, purpose, and ease.
  • Harness the full potential of your ideas and turn them into reality. 

What Is A Personal Knowledge Management System?

As the name suggests, it is a system. Think of it as an operating system like Windows or IOS, except for your knowledge and your life.

As a knowledge workers, we deal with tons of information every day but don’t have a system to manage it. Knowledge management is the process of collecting information, that we need to do our work, whether it is writing, creating, or any other responsibilities of the paid job, classifying it, and storing it in such a way that it is available for us to use whenever we need it, distill it so that we can include our own perspective when we are expressing it in whatever form we decide to express it.

As knowledge workers, we are responsible for our growth and learning. A Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS) is a bottom-up approach to knowledge management. PKMS provides you with the ability to consistently turn the information you consume into creative output and concrete results.

When you use this system daily, every time you come across a new piece of useful information, it goes into your system. And when you begin a new project, the information flows from your system to your project.

Who Is This Course For

  1. Writers – to manage ideas, research, and notes for their work.
  2. Entrepreneurs – to manage ideas, plans, and resources for their businesses.
  3. Freelancers – to manage client projects, deadlines, and billing information.
  4. Social media managers – manage content ideas, editorial calendars, and analytics.
  5. Consultants – to manage client information, project timelines, and research.
  6. Project managers – manage project timelines, tasks, and resources.
  7. Educators – to manage lesson plans, research materials, and student information.
  8. Students – to organize notes, research materials, and study schedules.

No matter your profession or field, having a personal knowledge management system can help you organize your ideas, tasks, and information in a way that maximizes productivity and minimizes stress.

Who Are You Learning From

Hi, I am Neera Mahajan, a blogger, teacher, and author of several books. I used to be a “heavy-lifter” setting tight deadlines for my books and then working long hours to finish them in a month. That system worked for a while and then it didn’t. I started dreading the insane amount of work I had to do for each book in 10 days (I usually write my first draft in 10 days).

That was, until I put some serious effort into building and refining my Personal Knowledge Management System. Now I work on several book projects in parallel. It works well with my brain, which goes in all directions when I sit down and write a book.

I have been writing for twenty years now but have never been more productive. Thanks to my PKMS, I have reduced my writing time from 7 to 8 hours to 4 hours a day.

You can find out more about me from my website ( or through my newsletter (

What Will You Learn?

  • What is knowledge management?
  • Why do you need a system to manage knowledge?
  • How to take digital notes?
  • What tool to choose to build your Knowledge Management System?
  • How To Capture the information you need?
  • How to Organise the information you collected?
  • How to Distill information?
  • How To Use the information in your work?
  • How come up with countless ideas to write about?
  • How to kickoff and complete projects from your PKMS?
  • Bonus: Five other techniques to boost your productivity.

Get Started Here

Dates of Workshop: Sunday 7 May – 4 June 2023 (For US and Europe),

Monday 8 May – 5 June 2023 (For Australia, and India)

Time: 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDT(US)

Cost: US $249

If you are interested, you can join here.

A link will be provided for the online workshops after you join.