“You can’t have each day as an ‘exciting’ day,” said my friend.
“Why not?” I protested.
We were coming back from a parlor after having a facial.
It was the highlight of the day for us. Something we wanted to do for months. Something we were looking forward to all week.
“Because most days are mundane. The same job. The same housework. Even the entertainment is the same. There is nothing new. The same stuff over and over again,” she whined.
“Give me something to look forward to,” I pleaded. “I don’t want to wake up each day to cook and clean and tire myself with mundane routine. I want to wake up to do something special each day.”
“Good luck to you then.” She said.
We had this conversation just before I finished working and became a full-time writer. In my new life, I wanted to do interesting stuff. I wanted to have something to look forward to each day. I wanted to make each day count.
So, I learned new skills.
– I started my website.
– I wrote a blog post a day.
– I wrote and published books.
– I enrolled in online courses.
– I wrote on social media platforms.
– I interviewed interesting people.
– I got interviewed and made friends.
– I traveled and sketched and painted.
I am a published author now.
People in far corners of the world are reading my stories.
I have made friends in countries I still haven’t visited.
Google has created a profile page for me.
I am having ‘exciting day,’ every day.
Some nights I am so thrilled, I find it hard to sleep.
How are your days?
Are you having ‘exciting days?’
If not, what are you doing to make them ‘exciting days?’