I am participating in a 30 Days LinkedIn sprint with 80 other participants run by
. We are going to publish 30 posts in 30 days. It just started on 10 January, and I have already seen some fantastic results.
My first post, I Hate Sprints, got 1877 views and 58 comments. Even when posting daily on the platform, I didn’t get this kind of engagement. Before that, I never had more than 600 views and occasional 1 -2 comments.

Image by the author
Compared to other platforms, it is much easier to grow on LinkedIn. In three days, I generated 3215 views and gained 33 new followers.
Just a few days ago, I struggled to come up with personal stories. It felt as if my well had gone dry, but as I read other people’s stories, it triggered my memories, and now I have many more stories ready to share.
I found personal writing is much easier on LinkedIn as the audience is primarily professionals and refined, unlike Facebook and Twitter, where some troubled people try to put everyone down.
Short-form storytelling works much better on LinkedIn, as you get straight to the point.

Why participate in a sprint?
Why not do it yourself?
Because sprints work.
Tom Kuegler found that the first hour after posting on LinkedIn is crucial for the success of your post. For example, if you get five comments in the first hour, the LinkedIn algorithm thinks your post is engaging and promotes it.
Working in a cohort where everyone posts around the same time and engages with other participants’ posts, you can quickly get five or more comments within an hour.
Viola, you get LinkedIn machinery behind your post!
My 1877 views were nothing compared to another participant, whose Day 2 post had more than 10,000 views in 24 hours.
How LinkedIn Can Help You Establish As A Writer
LinkedIn is one platform that is most suitable for writers. Even more than Medium, Vocal, Substack, or Twitter. It has a unique blend of all the ingredients you will need to have an author career.
- You get way more views and fans on LinkedIn than Medium in way less time.
- You can create a useful post in less than 20 minutes which can go viral within 24 hours.
- The more people will see your posts, the more they will know your writing style and the value you can provide.
- LinkedIn allows you to send a newsletter (a brand new feature released just this year), which means you can build your fan base right on the platform without urging readers to join your other newsletter.
- You can win freelance work right on the platform. Most of the companies come looking for freelancers on LinkedIn.
- You can meet other writers and collaborators who could enhance your writing career much faster than working by yourself.
- You can market your products without getting penalized (most Medium publications don’t like when you promote your services).
For the next 30 days, I will be concentrating on posting on LinkedIn and sharing my learning here.
If you like, you can follow me on LinkedIn by clicking here.
Since everyone is affected by the diminishing views on Medium, LinkedIn could be an alternative for us as a writer.