It’s one of the common interview questions.
Most of the time, people answer it with some adjectives.
– Reliable
– Outgoing
– Energetic
– Team player
– Dependable
But there is more to this question than just a bunch of adjectives.
People who have achieved a lot in their lives can be easily defined in three words.
Here are a few examples:
Gandhi – Truth, Non-violence, Equality.
J.F. Kennedy – Service, Social Justice, Collaboration.
Steve Jobs – Innovation, Visionary, Disruptive.
In their case, the three words are their philosophies, rather than mere adjectives.
Now think again, what are the three words that describe you?
It’s not an easy exercise, but a worthwhile one.
Once you know what you’re all about, what you stand for,
you will find the inner drive that will guide you
I recently did the exercise and the three words that describe me are:
“Freedom, Power and Adventure.”
‘Freedom’ to do whatever I want to do.
‘Power’ to make it happen.
A life full of ‘adventure.’
I would add a fourth one as well:
‘Authorpreneur’ turning writing into a business.
This is exactly what I do and how I live.