I have been writing on Medium for about ten months now.
Once I exhausted my initial ideas I got interested to know how to create deeper and more engaging content.
I am particularly impressed with the work of Zat Rana, who has written articles that are amongst the most read on Medium.
As I started pondering the question, as if by some serendipity, I was led to four levels of consciousness, a concept explained by Vishan Lakhiani in the book “The Code of Extraordinary Mind.”

Last week I wrote an article where I explained that at Level 1 your goals come from the culturescape. At Level 2 and 3, they come from within us but at Level 4 they come from a higher source — the Inspiration.
Call it God, or Universe, or Supreme Being, or Higher Power, but Inspiration become our unlimited source of creation when we realize we are much more than just a body but a part of the “whole.”
When we feel connected to every living being and become a part of the universe, Inspiration starts whispering to us.
It talks in the form of intuition.
When you get an idea of a book in the shower, or a theory in the bathtub or a complete melody in a dream, it is not you, it is the inspiration talking to you.
You need to make sure you’re tuned in when Inspiration whispers because if you are not, it will go to someone else.
And if it finds you listening and up to the challenge, it will give you the intention (courage to act) and it will remove all the roadblocks.
That is the state you want to be as creators.
I have covered these concepts in my previous two articles, Everything Changes When You Start Working From The Fourth Level of Consciousness and How To Make Sure You Listen To Inspiration When It Whispers.
Today I want to take them to another level.
The concept of Being.
Eckhart Tolle, talks about a concept called “Being” in his book The Power of Now.
There is an eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad of forms of life that are subject to birth and death. Many people use the word God to describe it; I often call it Being. — Eckhart Tolle
Being explains nothing, nor does the word God. But according to Eckhart Being has an advantage, it’s an open concept.
It is open because it does not reduce the infinite to a finite entity. God has been given several forms already. Each religion has given it some symbol, shape, or image. In many mythologies, God looks like humans.
But it is impossible to form a mental image of Being. Becasue “Being” is not a noun but a verb.
So what is Being?
According to Eckhart, Being is your very presence. It is your true nature. Your own deepest self.
It is accessible to you all the time.
It is accessible to you now as a feeling of your own presence. Which is only a small step from the word “being” to the experience of Being.
It is a bit hard concept to understand. If you try to understand it with your logical mind you may not be able to. If you try to give it a form you will not be able to. Because Being can’t be seen it can only be felt.
That too when your mind is still and your intention is fully in the present.
Being is not only deep within but also beyond. It is in every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence.
Being is also the pathway to gain enlightenment. Enlightenment is not some superhuman accomplishment, it is simply your natural state in oneness with Being.
To regain awareness of BEING and abide in that state of feeling-realization, is enlightenment. — Eckhart Tolle
So Being is a state of connectedness with something big. Something that is essentially you and yet it is much greater than you.
It is you your true nature beyond the name and form.
There is a connection between the concept of “Being” and the concept of “Four Levels of Consciousness.”
At the fourth level of consciousness when we feel connected to every living being and become a part of the universe, Inspiration starts whispering to us.
So when we are in the state of “Being”, we are connected to the Inspiration.
Eckhart says it this way.
When your consciousness
is directed outwards, mind and world arise.
When it is directed inwards,
it realizes its own Source
and returns home into the Unmanifested.
Eckhart goes on to explain that in this state of inner connectedness, you are much more alert, more awake, fully present. As you go more deep in this state of pure consciousness, you feel your own presence with such intensity and such joy that all thinking, all emotions, your physical body as well as the whole external world become relatively insignificant in comparison.
Yet it is not a selfish but a selfless state. It takes you beyond what you previously thought of as “your self.”
That presence is essentially you and at the same time inconceivably grater than you.
So Being is the higher state of consciousness and you can reach this state by simply incorporating a practice of focusing your attention into the Now.
By feeling your very presence.
By connecting to your true nature.
By connecting to your own deepest self.
By connecting to the universe.
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I am going to stop here. I will be writing more on the topic. Stay tuned.
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