Problems are projects!

It was a concept I learned last year.

It comes from the great mind-science pioneer Jose Silva.

When faced with a problem, don’t think of it as a problem.
Instead, turn your “problem” into a “project.”

What it means is, when you think about your problem, you are in a negative frame of mind. Your problem appears like a roadblock hindering your progress.

But when you think of it as a project, you get in a positive state of mind. You start thinking about how to solve it rather than remaining stuck.

When you create a project from your problem to move it from ‘problem’ to ‘ideal world,’ where the problem no longer exists.

Jose Silva had a creative visualization exercise for it.

He called this technique, the “Three Scenes Technique.”

In his famous Silva Mind Control classes back in 70s and 80s, he would get people to first visualize the problem and feel the pain rather than suppress it or push it away.

Then he got them to visualize themselves taking some action to move away from the problem.✨

And then, in the third scene, visualize themselves in an ideal world where the problem no longer exists and feel the joy and happiness of this solution.

This simple way of embracing a problem and then thinking of a project to make the problem obsolete, and then thinking of the end result when the problem has fully disappeared, is how I approach problems now.

I have a problem with my marketing skills. I have turned it into a ‘project.’

I am on to it. Soon, it’s going to be obsolete. And I will become an expert on the topic. 😎

I am taking several actions to solve it.

One of them is doing creative visualization meditations daily.
The second is studying the great marketers and learning from them.
The third is applying what I learn to my business.
The fourth is teaching others.

What problem do you have? Can you turn it into a project?