I haven’t written about blogging for some time. However, today’s blog post from Seth Godin, an entrepreneur, an author of 18 books, and a long-time blogger with 7000 posts to his credit (never missed a day), reminded me to talk about my blogging journey.

Seth has been encouraging people to blog.

“Daily blogging is an extraordinarily useful habit. Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing is clarifying, motivating, and eventually fun.”

He reckons the first 1000 posts are the most problematic (It only takes about three years to get there); after that, blogging becomes less strenuous and very rewarding.

He has found that after people get to post 200 or beyond, they uniformly report that they’re glad they did it.

It will take me six months to get there, but I already find that blogging is improving my writing, bringing clarity to my thoughts, and giving me immense happiness in pursuing creativity.

If you put monetizing aside, blogging is a compelling medium for personal development, connecting with like-minded people, and teaching while you learn.

There are thousands of generous bloggers who have been posting their non-commercial blogs regularly, and it’s a habit that produces magic.

Sasha, Gabe, Fred, Bernadette, and Rohan are some bloggers Seth follows.

I am sure you will enjoy their work as I did.

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