I started the morning going through yesterday’s work to give me an idea of where I was up to and started editing. I was going to edit just for half an hour and ended up editing for two hours.

I had to rewrite most of the things to figure out the right voice I want to use in the book. I realized I was using two different voices in the book. My hesitant and struggling voice in the Diary section and authoritative and more confident voice in the book. 

A visit to idea factory

During the shower, I remembered several things I wanted to include in the book. By the time I got out of the shower and was going to jot them down in the notebook that goes to the bathroom with me, I had forgotten half of them. 

I am hoping they will come back to me. Fingers crossed. 

Evening scare

I spent the afternoon researching and writing one chapter. In the evening, Reedsy’s Editor started playing up. It scared the hell out of me. 

For the next half an hour, I copied everything in a Word document. I couldn’t do “Select All” and had to copy chapter by chapter.


An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique number that is assigned to every published book. An ISBN identifies a book’s edition, publisher, and physical properties like trim size, page count, and binding type. 

I do not need an ISBN to publish an eBook on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). But I do need an ISBN to publish a paperback. KDP can provide a free ISBN, or I can purchase from multiple sources on the Web. Since I am not thinking paperback at the moment, I am not going to worry about it.

Draft Bookcovers

After dinner, my battery was running on low. I wanted to start writing another chapter, but I knew I would tire myself. So started working on the book covers in Canva along with watching a movie on TV. 

I struggled with moving objects and using different fonts in Canva. I was tempted to learn from YouTube videos, but that would have wasted a lot of time. After playing with Canva, I figured it out. 

I am thinking of including an illustration of Ms. Jolly’s on the cover. Ms. Jolly is a character I created while learning to draw cartoons last year. She is my alter ego, a much daring and wiser than me but also comical and witty. 

I created 4 different covers with a bit of variation. None of them is complete, though. But here they are. I need your help to choose one.

Image by the author
Image by the author

I also need a subtitle for the book.

I came up with some: 

“An eBook writing guide for first-time writers.”

“Writing and eBook made easy.”

“A beginner’s guide to writing an eBook in a week.”

“An easy to follow guide for writers who are intimidated by the book writing process.”

“Write your first book fast.”

“Write a short book and write it fast.”

“Intimidated about writing your first book? Make it short and make it fast.”

Please help me choose or suggest something totally new. 

Because I am not completely happy with any one of them.

To Recap

By the end of the day, I had met my daily quota of writing 5000 words. Altogether I have 11,478 words. But I am very conscious that a lot of them will be either edited out or rewritten. 

Photo by Perfecto Capucine on Unsplash

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