I’ve written every day for three years now.

  • In my journals.
  • On social media.
  • On my website.
  • On Medium.
  • In books.

Even when I was a novice writer, I put my words out there.

  • Sometimes, people loved it.
  • Sometimes, people hated it.
  • Most of the time, people ignored it.

You know what? It didn’t matter.

Writing is my key to personal growth.

If you want to get good at writing, here are three things that worked for me:

  1. Build something. Anything. A website. A course. An eBook. An art project. Write about the ups and downs of building that. Then, share it on social media, preferably on LinkedIn if it is addressed to entrepreneurs and on Instagram if it is an artwork.
  2. Journal for 15 minutes at the end of each day. Ask yourself, what did I learn today? The mistakes you made and how you can correct them. Post your learnings on social media.
  3. Turn the whole experience into a course. Make it easy for others to succeed. Offer it for free first. Then, learn from your initial students how to teach.

Now you have something to write about and something to teach.

Repeat the process.

There is no magic to online writing or teaching.

Subscribe to my newsletter at A Whimsical Writer for more tips and motivation.

Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash

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