Last week I wrote everything changes when you start working from the fourth level of consciousness, where I introduced levels of consciousness as a roadmap for growth.

At level one of consciousness, we are a part of the Culturescape. Our goals are given to us by the society, the culture that we are part of. “Get good grades.” “Get a good job.” “Become a doctor.” “Make a lot of money and live comfortably.” “Invest, build a portfolio.”

As we are achieving those goals, at some point, we start questioning society’s norms. We start questioning other people’s expectations from us, whether they are our parents or spouses, or bosses. We start questioning the religion. And we start realizing we don’t have to follow what we have been told all our life That we can choose our own experiences in life.

That is when we move to level two of consciousness. At level two, we look for a purpose for life, a way to contribute to this universe. This is when our goals come from inside us.

At level three, we discover we are a part of a greater whole. We see everyone else as part of us and everything else as part of us. We begin to see things differently to act differently to react differently and experience ourselves in a brand new way, a way that can change your life forever. We start re-coding ourselves, and we find ourselves at the fourth level of consciousness.

But we are level four; the goals are coming from a completely different place.

The goals come from Inspiration.

Now, what is Inspiration?

You could call it God, you could call it the Universe, or you could call it your superconscious.

You think you came up with a brilliant idea for that book, or you came up with that brilliant idea for that new program, or you were the genius who came up with the idea for your business, but you did not.

You were simply the conduit.

You have a boss, and that boss has been whispering in your ear. She’s been telling you and pushing you and inspiring you to make that happen.

That is Inspiration.

And that inspiration gives you your intention.

When you start showing that you have intent to listen to it, and you’re going to start moving towards it, she removes the roadblocks.

So you don’t set goals; the goals are not coming from society, they are not coming from you, but they are whispered to you.

You hear whispers.

You have these little intuitive nudges you feel get while you are showering or waking up in the morning, and bang! An idea for that next blog post. Or an idea for that next product you have to build. The idea for the next course you want to serve. It just hits you.

This is Inspiration.

There is this really interesting story about what happens when you start listening to inspiration.

Michael Jackson would wake up at three am and call his manager, and would go, “Butterflies. Butterflies.”

The manager would say, “Michael, what the hell is going on. It’s three am.”

Michael would say, “I got this idea for a song. It’s about butterflies; I got to write it now.

Exasperated, his manager would say, “Michael, it is three am. Can this wait till tomorrow morning?

Michael would respond, “No, if I don’t write it, Prince will.”

How to listen to the Inspiration?

Vishan Lakhiani, in his book “Code of Evolution,” states that at level four, we start feeling that we are particles of God having a human experience.

He calls humans Godicles. We are all God’s equals here on planet Earth, playing God within our own cognitive plane.

When that happens, we feel a deep sense of connectedness with all life with all human beings.

With this sense of connectedness, we open up to intuition.

What is intuition?

Intuition is one of these words that gets thrown around a lot but not many people know how to cultivate the skills to be able to hear their intuition on a daily basis. — Emily Fletcher

And if you ask any high performer CEO, any entrepreneur, how did you come up with an idea, they would say it was just my intuition. I just had this feeling in my gut.

So for many people, intuition is a sort of elusive gut thing that can be how they know something without the involvement of their critical mind.

Our left-brain critical mind is always screaming at us. I suck. I suck. I suck. And it’s very hard to hear your intuition when your critical mind screams at you because your intuition whispers. It says, write that book. Start that business. Compose that song; here is the melody.

If you don’t have a daily meditation practice that it’s very hard to tell the difference between your critical mind and your intuitive mind.

And if you’ve got this screaming, I suck. I suck. I suck voice happening all the time; how are you supposed to hear that intuitive voice?

What meditation does is that it takes our right brain to the gym every single day.

Our right brain is the piece of you that is in charge of intuition. It is the part of you that actually connects to collective intelligence.

Think of intuition and creativity as a Wi-Fi network, and your right brain is the router. Your right brain is the piece of you that allows you to connect to collective intelligence. And your left brain is the actual computer.

You could have the most developed intellect and incredible life experience, which would be like having the fanciest computer. But it doesn’t matter how good a computer is; it is no good if it is not connected to the internet.

Now, Imagine you connect that computer to the internet; how much smarter it becomes? How much more capable it becomes because you’re exchanging ideas. You’re able to intuit other people’s intellect. You’re able to hear how nature actually wants to use you to deliver your fulfillment.

So sit in silence and tune in to Inspiration to get the intuition.

But herein lies humanity’s problem.

Blaise Pascal made huge contributions to physics and mathematics, notably in fluids, geometry, and probability. He died at the young age of 39.

Right before his death, he was hashing out fragments of private thoughts that were later released as a collection by the name of Pensées.

While the book is mostly a mathematician’s case for choosing a life of faith and belief, the more curious thing about its clear and lucid ruminations on what it means to be human.

He wrote:

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

Zat Rana, another Medium writer, wrote in an article that has got the most claps ever, wrote our aversion to solitude is really an aversion to boredom.

At its core, our addiction to TV, social media, movies, social gathering is in faction an addiction to a state of not-being-bored.

At its root is the dread of the nothingness of nothing. We can’t imagine just being rather than doing.

But according to Zat, there is a solution. The only way to beat this fear is to face it like any other fear. Face the boredom and let it take you where it wants so you can deal with whatever it is that is really going on with your sense of self.

That’s when you’ll hear yourself think, and that’s when you’ll learn to engage the parts of you that are masked by distraction.

The beauty of this is that, once you cross that initial barrier, you realize that being alone isn’t so bad. Boredom can provide its own stimulation.

When you surround yourself with moments of solitude and stillness, you become intimately familiar with your environment in a way that forced stimulation doesn’t allow. The world becomes richer, the layers start to peel back, and you see things for what they really are, in all their wholeness, in all their contradictions, and in all their unfamiliarity.

When you get to this state, you don’t just get your goals, your purpose; you get much more from the universe.

Read about any great person, whether they were spiritual leaders like Buddha, musicians, or entrepreneurs, they all followed a nudge at some point in their life.

Elon Musk woke up one day in the middle of the night with an idea on how to create a better rocket. Likewise, John Lennon got the music of his greatest song in a dream.

The Takeaway

Start understanding that there is a bigger source where you can tap, and that source is Inspiration. You can call it God, Universe, or you Superconscious.

Inspiration speaks in whispers. You need to be attuned to it to be able to listen to it.

You need regular daily meditation practice to hear the whispers of Inspiration that we call intuitions.

The hardest thing to do for humans is to sit quietly in a room, alone.

But if you can develop that practice, you will get in touch with the world within you and the whole world that we call the universe.

A big shift begins to happen then, and things shift, very, very, rapidly.

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Resources: Four Levels of Consciousness, Mindvalley

Zat Rana: The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You

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